ALIVE, Roselyne Hazard (presented on 09/24/2021)

Information about agency:

ALIVE offers free services to survivors of domestic violence. Services include, individual adult counseling, support groups, crisis hotline, transportation, emergency sanctuary, escorts to courts. Does offer services in multiple languages.

Alzheimer’s Association, Edmund Lowe (presented on 05/26/2021)

Information about agency:

The Alzheimer's Association leads the way to end Alzheimer's and all other dementia — by accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support. Hispanic community is 1.5 more likely to have some form of dementia. Direct line: 314 831 3445


Bilingual International Assistant Services, Reina Baez (presented on 04/28/2021)

Information about agency:

Our mission is to ensure equal access to healthcare, mental health, and social services for all, regardless of national origin or language ability, through the advocacy, education, and direct multilingual services that we provide. Two mental health programs- project safe space- focused on immigrants and refugees and two summer programs happening. BIAS contact:


Center for Human Rights, Gender and Migration (Institute for Public Health, WashU), Julia Uyttewaal (presented on 03/24/2021)

Information about agency:

We bridge research, policy and practice to improve evidence-based response to serious human rights abuses. We are a resource and ally to the community.


Council on American-Islamic Relations - MO Chapter, Marwan Hameed (presented on 06/23/2021)

Information about agency:

Largest Islamic civil liberty and advocacy org in the US. CAIR works in the immigrant advocacy and policy sector. Our Mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.


Family Forward, Marcela French (presented on 04/28/2021)

Information about agency:

Helping children and family - financial advocate, works with Latinx women, empowers women going through domestic violence, financial support, therapy, interp services - vietnamese, portuguese, spanish, bosnian.



For services call 314.968.2350


Gateway to Hope, Sarah Gaston (presented on 06/23/2021)

Information about agency:

Provide socioemotional support and limited financial aid for individuals with breast cancer. Requirements: within 450% of poverty level or below, resident of Missouri or Southern IL. We don’t ask for IDs or SSN, need the first 3 pages of the income tax return but will work with individuals if they don’t have income tax forms.


Hazelwood School District, Jessica Marty (presented on 03/24/2021)

Information about agency:

Hazelwood School District, English Learners and Immigrant Service 500 pre K-12, primary languages, Arabic, Spanish, Swahili, and French. We don’t know all of our immigrant/English learners' needs and that’s why we come to the ISPN to understand.


IHELP (Immigrant Home English Learning Program), Lizzie Warner (presented on 05/26/2021)

Information about agency:

1-1 English classes for immigrants/refugees. Operating mostly virtually, but will start moving to in person classes. Students, please call at the beginning of the month to get matched to a teacher. We also help with the citizenship exam.



Inter-Faith Committee on Latin America (IFCLA), Sara John (presented on 10/27/2021)

Information about agency:

IFCLA is starting an exciting, three-year transition to become an immigrant-led statewide organization building power and identity for all. Their board has been in conversation with MIRA for several months to carry on and reimagine the work. IFCLA may be contacting your organization soon to discuss future implications.



Law Office of Patavee Vanadilok P.C., Hawa Golamee (presented on 06/23/2021)

Information about agency:

Immigration legal services, board of NCRC, citizenship classes, assistance with refugee family unification, employment, student, and family immigration. Will work with clients on payment such as monthly payments.


Marian Middle School, Barbara Roche (presented on 07/28/2021)

Information about agency:

There are still openings for 5th and 6th graders. Marian Middle School is a Catholic girl’s school and is located in Tower Grove South. Tuition is negotiated depending on family size and income. Average family pay around $40 a month to attend

Contact: Barbara Roche,


Mercy Professional Services, Michelle Salois (presented on 02/24/2021)

Information about agency:

Mercy Professional Services is a 501c3 NonProfit dedicated to providing compassionate and competent counseling and psychotherapy to persons of any income, race, religion, sexual orientation or gender. We are also a training site for advancing the skills of new therapists entering the profession. We moved to Casa de Salud in 2018 to meet the mental health needs of the Spanish speaking community. We generally onboard 5 students from local MSW programs. If you know Spanish speaking practicum students that would like a practicum site, please reach out to Michelle.



Metropolitan Congregations United, Dolores Sanchez (presented on 05/26/2021)

Information about agency:

Work to organize people and money to impact policy. Classes happening once a month, environmental justice team/environmental racism, energy bench marking, air quality monitors. Break the school to prison pipeline program.



Missouri Migrant and English Language Learning (MELL), Rob Greenhaw (presented on 03/24/2021)

Information about agency:

Coordinates professional development for teachers of English learners in public schools in Missouri. Also helps bring awareness of social and economic resources to schools across St. Louis.


Missouri Office of Refugee Administration, Fatema Medhat (presented on 06/23/2021)

Information about agency:

Offer funding for refugee support services, refugee cash assistance, youth mentoring, aging support services.


Missouri School for the Blind, Mary Morrell (presented on 10/27/2021)

Information about agency:

They have opportunities to receive services for all children with a vision impairment/any level of blindness or who have a vision and hearing loss combination from birth to age 21. They help families get funded to go to educational programs, parent support education, etc. They have free ASL classes and other free programs. Programs available regardless of status. Any questions about services they have specifically available for a family can be directed to Mary at or explored on the website (which is under construction).


Multicultural Counseling and Research Center (MCRC), Richard Rash (presented on 05/26/2021)

Information about agency:

3 main services, counseling with a special interest in the immigrant population. Most counselors are bilingual and provide culturally sensitive counseling. Trauma informed care for DOJ youth. Satellite office at Casa de Salud to provide counseling to spanish speaking clients. Also offering tutoring, volunteer in home program for DOJ youth.



Nurse-Family Partnership at St. Louis County Department of Public Health, Jenn Gravert (presented on 07/28/2021)

Information about agency:

Evidence based home visiting program for 1st time families. Physical, mental, emotional health support for families that will soon have newborns. Currently accepting referrals. Qualifications: 1st time parent, qualify for WIC or Medicaid, live in St. Louis City or County, less than 29 weeks pregnant. May send referrals to Fannie Willms Kelly,


Occupational Therapist, Eliza Prager (presented on 05/26/2021)

Information about agency:

OTs also have a role in empowering patients, helping build connections with the community, creating sense of belonging. I have connections with SLU and Washu for OT students to get connected with your organizations. Please reach out to me at


St. Francis Community Services and Catholic Legal Assistance Ministry, Meredith Rataj and Kris Walentik (presented on 02/24/2021)

Information about agency:

St. Francis Community Services is on a mission to change the lives of the most vulnerable throughout the St. Louis region. Providing legal aid, immigrant services, and long-term case management, we work to support people in crisis and ultimately prevent those situations from reoccurring. Last year, we served a total of 2,332 direct clients, with 78% living below the poverty line upon entering our programs.

CLAM (Catholic Legal Assistance Ministry) is a St. Francis site at the SLU

school of law in downtown STL.

● Free legal services- family law, veterans, guardianship, immigration,


■ We work closely with Vietnamese and Spanish-speaking communities

■ Vietnamese health clinic through IFM community health clinic

■ Case management for Spanish speakers

■ After School program for youth

■ Mental health services available as well.



St. Louis Construction Career Center, Sergio Munoz (presented on 06/23/2021)

Information about agency:

Recruits individuals 18 yrs or older with a high school diploma or GED to join construction industry through the union. Can take immigrants who have legal authorization to work in the US including DACA. Free trainings coming up.

Contact: 314-678-1403


St. Louis Mosaic Project, Suzanne Sierra (presented on 10/27/2021)

Information about agency:

They make connections and introduce individuals and organizations to each other (including ISPN). Their goal is to boost the region’s economy. They are working with STLJuntos on vaccine clinics after receiving a grant, which is an example of the partnerships they have.



St. Louis Public Library - Schlafly Branch, Zach Fletcher (presented on 07/28/2021)

Information about agency:

The library holds English (ELL) practice conversation groups during the week. They also have International language collections of books and media. SLPL has worked with other ISPN partners for programming and events.

Please contact Zach if your agency would like to partner at, (314) 367-4120,


St. Louis Public Library, Regina Crandall (presented on 08/25/2021)

Information about agency:

Central LIbrary will open a Citizenship Corner in social sciences room. Info on citizenship, books, civics, ell, government forms, flyers for referrals, citizenship info. Virtual info and resources will go live when the corner opens.



St. Louis Queer+ Support Helpline, Sindy Ivaturi (presented on 07/28/2021)

Information about agency:

Queer Immigrant Outreach Project: making resources more available to the Queer immigrant population in STL. SQSH can Provide Queer related training to agencies. Have a needs assessment survey ISPN agencies can use. Community Workshop in the works. Get involved as an interpreter or bilingual Queer counselor!

Contact: sindy.i@thesqsh.orgu


St. Louis University School of Law Human Rights at Home Litigation Clinic, Lauren Bartlett (presented on 03/24/2021)

Information about agency:

Human rights and mitigation program, SLU Law. They work in helping families become guardians to children, juvenile life without parole, environmental cases. Providing free legal help to marginalized communities.

Contact: (314) 977-2778


St. Louis University Spanish Program, Christy Garcia (presented on 04/28/2021)

Information about agency:

Teaches Spanish classes to college students, as well as working with a latinx serving organization - casa, lifewise, family care health centers, outreach and service learning coordinator.



Vivent Health (previously St. Louis Effort for AIDS), Vivien Brite (presented on 10/27/2021)

Information about agency:

They provide services for clients living with HIV. To receive services, someone should have an HIV diagnosis, reside in St. Louis or surrounding counties, and the income can be no more than 300% of the federal poverty line. Call the linkage to care line at 314-3560200 to get started with free services, including HIV care, case management, food pantry assistance, rent/utility assistance, healthcare assistance, etc. People can come to their medical clinic and pharmacy for medication. They also do STI testing for anyone in the community. Their prevention department also does condom distribution and outreach events.



Washington University Immigration Law Clinic, Katie Meyer (presented on 02/24/2021)

Information about agency:

Provider of legal services for immigrants in STL, provides law students with hands-on training. Reach out to Katie Meyer directly for referrals.
